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We Craft Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences. š–š”šØ š°šž ššš«šž We are a team of passionate developers and create immersive, interactive content for virtual reality experiences. We help businesses gain a competitive advantage with š­šžšœš”š§šØš„šØš š² ššš§š š¬šØšŸš­š°ššš«šž ššžšÆšžš„šØš©š¦šžš§š­. Our support starts with conceptualization & reaching up to your product launch, maintenance as well as training your team. We collaborate closely with our partners, we value communication and commitment ā€“ in our VR studio we consider them as our key strengths but above all we value challenges. We call it the rule of 3 Cā€™s: Challenge, Communication, Commitment. š–š”ššš­ š°šž ššØ Our VR applications are used in 4 main fields: Training - inside an engaging & safe environment. Medicine - medical treatment simulations with a biofeedback loop. Advertising - by shaping consumer attitudes & build a strong brand in an engaging way. Entertainment - like Cultural and sports events and games. šŽš®š« š­šžšœš”š§šØš„šØš š¢šžš¬ Virtual and augmented reality development is our core competency. We offer full-stack solutions and software development services with the highest quality possible on all existing platforms and devices. We use š”š§š¢š­š² šŸ‘šƒ šžš§š š¢š§šž to deliver solutions that run on both desktop and mobile devices such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, and Google DayDream and Cardboard, Microsoft HoloLens + Augmented Reality applications on Android and iOS. š–š”ššš­ ššš«šž š­š”šž š›šžš§šžšŸš¢š­š¬ šØšŸ š•š‘ Realism - simulate Real-Life Situations with Hands-on approach Engagement - innovative and enjoyable with Gamification Convenience - can be done remotely saving time and money Safety - within a fully controlled environment Persistence - ability to re-use on a regular basis/skills refresh Versatility - suitable for different learning styles acting on many senses

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